Walk-in climate chambers in 3 sizes

BINDER’s walk-in climate chambers with an internal surface area of 6 m2, 9 m2 or 12 m2 and a height of 2.3 m are ideal for stability testing in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage industries, in the cosmetics industry, in materials testing and in many other areas of application.

Perfect test conditions are maintained in a wide temperature range from 10°C to 50°C and a relative humidity of 20% to 90% RH.

BINDER Walk-in Klimakammern.
BINDER Walk-in Chambers

New in the BINDER range: Walk-in climate chambers

  • Interior surfaces 6 m2, 9 m2 or 12 m2, height 2.3m
  • Stable and uniform environment
  • Fully compatible with pharmaceutical equipment according to ICH guideline
  • Durability – corrosion resistant
  • Simple operation
  • Environmentally friendly refrigerant with GWP value 547
  • Maintenance possible with minimal interruption of air conditioning
  • Perfectly meets the requirements of the pharmaceutical industry
  • 3 years warranty

Would you like advice, a quote or do you have a question about our services and products?

Do not hesitate to contact us.
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BINDER is focused on simulation chambers

As a family-owned company, BINDER is completely focused on simulation chambers. It is the world’s largest specialist in simulation cabinets for the scientific and industrial laboratory. More than 22,000 units leave the factory in Tuttlingen every year.

Sophisticated cutting-edge technologies, forward-looking innovations and absolute precision characterise the BINDER brand image.

More News:

TeMeCo – Accreditation in preparation

We have made accreditation in accordance with ISO 17025 our goal. TeMeCo Services AG and its predecessor Schenck Schweiz AG have been carrying out calibrations

Shimadzu – XSeeker 8000 Mikro-CT

Perfect for laboratory and industrial applications. The XSeeker 8000 is a micro CT system from Shimadzu that is characterised by its compact design, fast imaging

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