Elastomer testing devices
Elastomer testing to determine the processing behaviour of reactive materials
Testing devices for viscoelastic properties of rubber compounds as well as for natural and synthetic rubber. Used in quality control, research and development in accordance with the latest DIN, ISO and ASTM standards.
Mooney Viscosimeter (Rotating disc viscometer)
Rotary disc viscometer with closed chamber and rotor, which is used to determine the Mooney viscosity, the scorch behaviour and the stress relaxation of rubber compounds, pure natural rubber or synthetic rubber. The measurement methods are:
- Mooney viscosity (plasticity)
- Mooney Scorch
- Mooney Relaxation
- Delta Mooney
- Dynamic testing with variable speed option
MDR Elastograph – (Moving Die Rheometer)
Rotorless rotary shear vulcameter used for the characterisation and vulcanisation of rubber compounds in the plasticised state, during the vulcanisation phase and in the fully vulcanised sample. The measurement methods are:
- Vulcanisation
- Isothermal and non-isothermal measuring methods
RPA Visco-Elastograph – (Rubber Process Analyzer)
The RPA is a dynamic rheometer for analysing viscoelastic material properties. It is a rotorless shear volcameter with variable oscillation frequency and amplitude for the analysis, characterisation and process simulation of raw polymers, base and finished compounds.
The sample is pressed into the lower half of the test plunger by a sinusoidal oscillation. Torque and phase angle are determined as a function of the measuring time. The measurement methods are:
- Isothermal / non-isothermal curing
- Frequency sweep
- Amplitude sweep
- Temperature sweep
- Ramp test
- Relaxation test
- Retardation
- Hysterese
RCR rubber capillary rheometer
RCR is an innovative capillary rheometer for determining the flow behaviour of rubbers under special physical processing conditions.
The RCR works in two test modes:
- “Extrusion mode” (flow behaviour)
- “Injection mode” (with branching or spiral shape)
Rg 120 High-pressure capillary rheometer
Not only suitable for high polymers – but also for elastomers!
The complete multifunctional RHEOGRAPH family is also suitable for determining the flow and viscosity function of rubber compounds. It can be used as a tool to optimise the development of new mixtures. The system enables comprehensive and process-related simulations for material characterisation.
Meaningful evaluations such as Mooney correction (wall slip behaviour) or flow instabilities (shark skin effect) can be carried out easily.

GÖTTFERT – Volume punches
Our Products and Services
We are easy to reach, get back to our customers quickly, and make offers promptly. Due to minimal overhead costs, we always look to offer attractive terms.
We support our customers in the development of test methods and search for suitable instrumentation.
Installation, Calibration, Maintenance
Our after-sale service starts with commissioning and continues throughout the entire life cycle.
We provide on-site instructions, software briefings, telephone support and remote maintenance. For specific topics we and our manufacturers offer seminars and customer-specific on-site training courses.
We evaluate and deliver modernisations with new components, controllers and latest generation software.
We demonstrate Instruments either in our own laboratory, at exhibitions, at other customer's labs or at the supplier's lab.
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Rheological testing equipment since 1962
GÖTTFERT Werkstoff-Prüfmaschinen GmbH was founded in 1962 by Prof. Dr. Otto Göttfert. In the second generation, his son Dr Axel Göttfert took over as sole managing director.
On the world market, the medium-sized company is known as one of the leading companies in the niche area of rheological testing equipment. The innovative rheological systems are used worldwide in laboratories as well as in production.
To be closer to many customers, a subsidiary was opened in Rock Hill, South Carolina, USA, in 1989. In 2011, GOETTFERT (China) Limited was founded with headquarters in Beijing and Shanghai.