Company: Shimadzu
Shimadzu - Software TrapeziumX-V
For the universal static testing machines of the AGX-V, AG-X, AGS-X and EZ-X model series from Shimadzu.
TrapeziumX-V is the new versatile and easy-to-use software. It offers a range of modules for different types of tests, including “single”, “cycle”, “control”, “texture” and “spring”. The “single” module serves as a basic module for tensile, compression, bending and peel tests. It also enables the creation of a compensation file that can be used to equalise the stiffness of the machine during compression tests. It is included in the basic equipment of the AGX-V model series, while the “cycle”, “control”, “texture” and “spring” modules are available as optional extras.
- “Single” (“Unidirectional”): For testing in one direction of movement, but with four individually adjustable segments.
- “Cycle”: For cyclical tests with definable ramps or stop times and up to 1000 repetitions.
- “Control”: For customised charging, holding and discharging sequences as well as options for loops with up to 1000 repetitions.
- “Texture” (“Texture”): For texture tests on solid or viscous foods, resins, gels, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics or plastics.
- “Spring” (“spring”): For spring tests with hysteresis preload.
With Trapezium-X, the user defines the test method, operates the test machine, records data and results, creates reports and finally saves methods, results and raw data.
With the new version 2.0 and possibly a firmware update, the software can be used for all test machines (AGX-V, AG-X, AG-X Plus, AGS-X, EZ-X).
Take a look at the illustrative demo video of TrapeziumX-V:
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Shimadzu is a manufacturer of highly accurate testing and measuring technologies.
The Shimadzu Corporation has been doing business based on its corporate philosophy, “Contributing to Society through Science and Technology,” since being founded almost 150 years ago.
Highly accurate testing and measuring technologies from Shimadzu is used to support product inspection and quality control processes for manufacturing in industrial fields. It helps to ensure our lives to be worry-free and safe.