Star Hydraulics – Servo valve maintenance and repair

With our partner STAR Hydraulics behind us, we can offer you the repair and maintenance of servo valves from a wide range of manufacturers.

Repair and maintenance

Servo valves that STAR has serviced and repaired in recent years include those from STAR itself as well as those from Atchley, Bosch Rexroth, Dowty, Herion, MOOG, Pegasus, Schneider, Ultra and Vickers.

STAR Hydraulics

Star Hydraulics Limited, a UK manufacturer of accurate and reliable electro-hydraulic servo valves, was established in 1983 to provide a cost effective, fast service/repair service for all makes and models of servo valves.


STAR keeps a stock of frequently requested valves. The current stock list can be viewed below.

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Do not hesitate to contact us.
We will be happy to assist you!

Servo valves for servo-hydraulic testing machines

Star Hydraulics Limited is a British manufacturer of precise and reliable electro-hydraulic servo valves. Star was founded in 1983 to provide fast and affordable servo valve maintenance and repair.

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