Company: Various

Bending devices

Bending devices generate shear and bending stresses in test specimens.

Bending tests are carried out to analyse the mechanical properties of materials, in particular their flexural strength, elastic limit and deformation behaviour.

Important areas of application for bending tests

  • Quality assurance: Checking whether the material meets the requirements for the intended use.
  • Material development: Comparison of different materials in order to select the best material for a specific application.
  • Structural design: Determining how materials behave in structures under load.
  • Standards: ASTM E290 for metals, ISO 178 for plastics and ISO 6507 for metals (bending hardness test).

Questions when selecting the device

  • Loading: 3- or 4-point bending
  • Maximum force → Beam material aluminium or steel
  • Support span
  • Rigid support or rollers in V-notch
  • Support radius
  • Width of the sample or the compression fin and the supports
  • Clarification of the degrees of freedom
    (which supports should be able to move and how?)
  • Connection dimensions at the top and bottom of the testing machine
  • Is the purpose of the bending test to mechanically stress a sample so that it can then be analysed or measured? Or is the test intended to determine a measured value, e.g. the deflection under a certain load?

TH22 - 3-point bending device

This device is designed for a maximum load of 50kN in aluminium and 100kN in steel.

The support rollers are held rigidly on bearing blocks in V-shaped notches.

  • Roller diameter 10, 20, 30mm
  • Length of the bending beam up to 1300mm
  • 3- and 4-point configurations available
  • Rocking supports available

>>> Data sheet TH22

TH238 - 3- or 4-point bending device

This device is available with aluminium or steel beams and is therefore suitable for different forces. Further variations are the different support types and radii.

  • Loading: 3- or 4-point bending
  • Maximum force → Beam material aluminium or steel
  • Support span
  • Rigid support or rollers in V-notch
  • Support radius
  • Width of the sample or the compression fin and the supports
  • Clarification of the degrees of freedom
    (which supports should be able to move and how?)

>>> Data sheet TH238

TH103 - 3- or 4-point bending device

Universal device for testing various materials, e.g. metal, plastic, wood, glass, etc.

  • Loading: 3- or 4-point bending
  • Force range up to 50kN
  • Temperature up to 70°C
  • Versions according to ASTM-D2344, ISO7438, ASTM-D7774, EN1170-4-5, EN2563-EN2562, ASTM-A262-ISO3651-2, ASTM-D6415

>>> Data sheet TH103 (e)


Universal testing machines for bending devices


Universal testing machines AGX-V

AGX-V are high-end, two-column universal testing machines from Shimadzu with an extremely rigid frame, flexible electronics, intuitive software and TeMeCo’s renowned after-sales support.

Shimadzu EZ-X materials testing machine

Shimadzu EZ-X are single column materials testing machines with 500N or 5kN loading capacity going together with Trapezium-X software and after-sales support from TeMeCo.

Tensile testing machine Compression testing machine AGS-X

Shimadzu AGS-X is two-column tensile testing machine or compression testing machine with a focus on the essentials at a moderate cost. Now even more valuable thanks to the new TrapeziumX-V software and TeMeCo’s renowned after-sales support.

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